Embracing the Art of Doing Nothing

Embracing the Art of Doing Nothing: Insights from Jenny Odell's Transformative Wisdom

Recently, I had the pleasure of immersing myself in the pages of Jenny Odell's enlightening work, an experience that profoundly touched me on a personal level. As I journeyed through her exploration of attention and the modern world, I found myself transported back to familiar scenes – her vivid descriptions of a neighborhood in Oakland, CA, where I once called home, evoked memories of the fragrant roses that adorned local gardens.

Odell's narratives, from befriending crows to navigating the challenges of being an artist and educator in our fast-paced society, mirrored my own experiences, making her reflections a guiding light in navigating the complexities of the contemporary landscape.

Below, I share some takeaways from Odell's transformative wisdom, with the hope that her insights resonate with you as deeply as they did with me. My notes are based on her book “How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy”. Enjoy wisdom from Jenny Odell, Artist and Standford MFA Professor.

Reclaiming Attention: At the heart of Odell's message is the invitation to reclaim our attention from the clutches of the attention economy. She advocates for breaking free from the constant demands of social media, advertising, and other platforms that seek to commodify our focus. By doing so, we can rediscover the value of our attention and its power to shape our experiences. Read a book. Take a bath. Single-task instead of multitask!

Importance of Nature and the Environment: Odell beautifully emphasizes the significance of connecting with the natural world and our environment. Her tales go beyond mere appreciation – they inspire a profound understanding of our place in the world and the importance of fostering genuine connections within our communities. Get outside. Meditate on you houseplant. Smell the peel of your orange. Befriend crows. Fondle moss! Collect rocks again.

Resisting Productivity Obsession: A rebellion against the societal obsession with productivity emerges as a central theme. Odell encourages us to challenge the constant pressure to achieve more and, instead, embrace moments of reflection and slowdown. In a world that glorifies busyness, the notion of 'doing nothing' becomes a radical act of self-care. We do not need New Years Resolutions right away. We can just rest. And rest for the sake of rest, not rest in order to come back and be more productive. Ewww.

Cultural Critique: Odell's cultural critique prompts us to reflect on the values that shape our lives. As we navigate the tech-driven and consumerist society, she encourages us to question assumptions and consider alternative paths that lead to a more fulfilling existence. What world do you want to grow old in? What do we want to leave behind for our ‘future ancestors’? Do you want delivery drones criss-crossing our skies? Do you want surveillance cameras filming us 24-7?

Rediscovering Solitude and Introspection: Rediscovering the lost art of solitude and introspection is another takeaway. Stepping away from the constant connectivity allows for a deeper understanding of our thoughts and desires, fostering personal growth and self-discovery. I just bought some fancy ear plugs for myself. You do not have to be alone in order to find solitude, but it might be a good thing to discuss with your others in your household. 

Building and Nurturing Local Communities: Building and nurturing local communities emerge as a powerful antidote to the isolation propagated by the digital age. Strengthening connections on a local level provides an authentic sense of belonging, countering the impersonal nature of online interactions. One thing that I learned from the shut down during the pandemic was the importance of neighborly connections. We can lean on each other in respectful, reciprocal ways. We don't have to be best friends, but I have your number and know who I can call when something unthinkable happens. And I have the family I have built and friendships I have nurtured over shared interest and love. Connecting and gathering in meaningful ways, not just out of holiday obligation. Start the food-themed book club, moon circle, hiking group. Reach out and invite in. 

The Role of Art and Creativity as Resistance: The role of art and creativity as a form of resistance is a compelling theme. Engaging in creative pursuits becomes a way to express individuality and resist the homogenizing forces of the attention economy. Art is just one way to critique the status quo and question why we do things the way we do. Through art we can communicate alternative futures and possibilities for our communities and planet. 

In essence, Odell invite us to reconsider our relationship with technology, productivity, and the values that shape our lives. Embracing the art of attention in our daily lives becomes a powerful way to carve out a more meaningful existence in the midst of the digital whirlwind. I hope these reflections, inspired by Odell's wisdom, serve as a guide in your own journey towards a more intentional, fulfilling, and creative life this new year. Or maybe just tomorrow.



With gratitude, 



To Emerge